
Hello There

I am a cyber security consultant & penetration tester based in Vienna.


Pleased to meet you.

My name is Lukas Schendlinger and I am an Austrian cyber security consultant and software security engineer. I finished my Bachelor's degree in June 2021 and my Cyber Security Master's degree in June 2024.
Recently I have specialized in web application security, cyber security consulting and penetration testing.

My IT-Skills

Language Skills

  • German (native language)
  • English (B2)
  • Spanish (advanced, since 2021)
  • Hebrew (basic, since 2024)

My Experience.

Work Experience

Since May 2023

Frequentis AG

Cyber Security Engineer

In my position as cyber security engineer at Frequentis I am responsible to find and eliminate weaknesses and vulnerabilities in several products used by our customers. Furthermore, I contribute to creating security concepts as well as implementing them into live systems.

September 2019 - April 2023

GPK - career Institut & Verlag

Software Engineer

As a software engineer I was developing for the Austrian recruiting company GPK GmbH respectively its subsidiary career Institut & Verlag GmbH. Particularly, I have been working on the backend for the project robin mood which is also mentioned below.

July 2017, July 2018

Ticketing software provider


In my internships at JetTicket Software GmbH I replaced obsolete controlling components as well as a broadcast service with modern .NET technologies. I also developed a web application to improve maintenance of customer data.

August 2016

Electricity and gas-provider


For one month I worked at a local power provider called Energie Burgenland. While working at this company I gained first experiences concerning the world of employment.

Educational Experience

September 2022 - June 2024

University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien

Master of Science in Cyber Security

This master's degree had its focus on several important and current topics of cyber security, such as web application security, penetration testing as well as ISMS-related consulting. In my master thesis I examined the impact of AI on Social Engineering.
I graduated my master's degree in June 2024 passing the master's exam with excellent success.

September 2019 - June 2021

University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

The education provided by this institution is focussed on modern practical software engineering approaches. Moreover, I participated in classes about web engineering and cyber security.
I graduated my bachelor's degree in June 2021 passing the final exam with excellent success.

September 2014 - June 2019

Technical High School (HTL)


The HTL for informatics provides a highly focused education on software engineering. The main topics the education is based on are object-oriented programming, data modelling and web development. I graduated in June 2019 summa cum laude with a grade point average of 1.0.

September 2010 - June 2014

Middle School (NMS)

The focus on the handling of new media and the continuous and thorough integration of IT into the daily lessons prepared the students for the application of digital technologies in their future life - which also pointed my future way.

September 2006 - June 2010

Montessori Elementary School

Primarily free learning without being controlled stricly or any fixed curricula was the main benefit the school provided to its pupils. In my opinion this was one of the factors which have been contributing to develop my interests concerning IT.


See My Latest Projects.

In the course of my education and my professional career I contributed to several projects.

ageUp | Penetration Testing

Penetration Test for a company's IT project

AgeUp is a modern software development company with multiple agile IT projects. As a cyber security consultant, for one of them I performed a penetration test resulting in a comprehensive vulnerability report including security recommendations.

Robin Mood | Development

Employee mood measuring tool

Robin Mood is a tool for organizations to collect data concerning employee satisfaction. My part in its journey was the development of the backend logic, the database design and management as well as some frontend parts.

teD-Lunchplanner | Development

Restaurant ordering page

Lunchplanner is a restaurant web page providing convinient online ordering for customers. I contributed in developing its web backend using the .NET Framework.

What People Say.

Author image

Durch sein außerordentliches Engagement und seine hohe Kompetenz erzielte Herr Schendlinger in all seinen Aufgabenbereichen herausragende Arbeitsergebnisse. Besonders zu betonen ist an dieser Stelle auch, dass Herr Schendlinger Mit-Initiator von robin mood ist und das Tool von Anfang an mitaufgebaut hat.
Herr Schendlinger erwies sich während der gesamten Zeit in unserem Unternehmen als äußerst kompetent, sehr zielstrebig und zuvorkommend. Er erledigte die in seiner Verantwortung liegenden Aufgaben selbstständig, sorgfältig und stets zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit. Auch in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team und seinen Vorgesetzen wurde er aufgrund seiner kollegialen Haltung und seiner stets positiven Art sehr geschätzt.

Markus Gruber CEO, GPK GmbH
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Alle IT relevanten Themen erfüllt Herr Schendlinger zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit. Er versteht es, User- und Kundenfeedback in fehlerfreien Code zu übersetzen. Er hat uns maßgeblich bei der Programmierung der Version 2.0 unseres online Stimmungsbarometers unterstützt, hat die Zertifizierung der Anonymisierung durch einen externen Dienstleister geleitet und die Dokumentation zur Auftragsverarbeitung laut DSGVO unterstützt.

Dr. Jürgen Teubenbacher Senior Project Manager, career Institut & Verlag GmbH
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Herr Schendlinger arbeitete sich in kürzester Zeit in seine Aufgabengebiete ein und bewies dabei höchste Einsatzbereitschaft, Belastbarkeit und Eigeninitiative. Er zeigte eine ausgezeichnete Auffasungsgabe und konnte mit seinen umfassenden Fachkenntnissen im Umgang mit EDV und Technik überzeugen. [...]
Er wurde von allen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern aufgrund seiner Freundlichkeit, Teamfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit äußerst geschätzt.
Herr Schendlinger besitzt alle für den Beruf des Software-Entwicklers erforderlichen Eigenschaften.

Andreas Bauer CEO, JetTicket
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Als sehr engagierter Schüler konnte Lukas Schendlinger [...] überdurchschnittliche Ergebnisse erzielen. Wir freuen uns, dass er seine Ausbildung am Technikum Wien fortsetzt.

DI Felix Schwab Head of IT Department, HTL Wiener Neustadt


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1170 Wien